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ERIAS project

e-learning platform

ERIAS is the European Chambers response to the labour market integration question of Third Country Nationals (TCN), including refugees.

ERIAS proposes a methodology for the integration of TCN* in the labour market based on the principles of comprehensiveness (from skills assessment to employment) and multi-stakeholder approach. Partners from Spain, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria test the ERIAS approach on the ground, offering integration pathways to TCN while considering the employment needs of enterprises.


The expected impact will be a major awareness of the benefits of the rapid labour market integration of TCN, a shift in mindsets (from foe to friend) with business organisations and businesses across Europe.

Online Learning

Web-based Learning At A Glance.

Convenience & flexibility

The resources are available from anywhere and at any time.


Ease of use

A user-friendly platform.

ERIAS Classes

Master Class 1
Greek language for job opportunities
Master Class 2
Refugees and EU law Refugee rights
Master Class 3
Assessing skills, knowledge and resources
Master Class 4
Job placement
Master Class 5
Work-based learning